Renee Romero

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ARIM | Week 7 : More Cyanotypes & Digital Work

Hello again,

If you’ve been reading these weekly blogs, thank you! These weeks have gone by so quickly, and I’ve been thinking a lot about how long I want to create work within the framework of a residency.

Our days are pretty consistent, our mornings are spent playing, and my daughters afternoon nap usually gives me a 2-3 hour window to work on cyanotypes. After she goes to bed at night I try work for an hour or two on administrative tasks, editing, or developing film. I will be continuing my residency until July 1st, or until I complete the cyanotype pieces. As shortly after, we will be moving out of state again. I hope once we’re settled wherever we go next, I can think about the next steps of the work I’m making, or continuing the residency once again.

Now for what I worked on this past week.

After some failed film development and a bit of a break, I wanted to at least make some progress this week, especially with another critique coming in a few weeks for the Artist/Mother Critique group I’m in.

This week I was able to photograph more objects left on the floor, make new negatives, test prints, and see the work grow a lot more than it has been in previous weeks.

Here was a photo I took last week of my work in progress.

Here is the work currently, with a lot more additions. It’s so exciting to see this work growing, and has been a lot of fun seeing how different objects look when printed. There are several that need to be printed again, but as tests it’s nice to see the volume of prints.

Another task I gave myself this week was re scanning my polaroid work A Physical Memory. I’m happy to say that I got through a third of the photos, here are a handful of favorites. I cannot wait until all of them are properly scanned and cropped to be put on this website. It’s been something I’ve put off for a long time.

In addition to lots of scanning and making prints this week, I also tried to take more digital photographs of myself and family. While I may not use any of them in the work I’m currently making, It was nice to make myself take more photographs.

The next week I hope to make as many cyanotypes as possible with the materials I have on hand. There are also a couple grants I’m in the process of applying to, lots of old work to still scan, and I’m hoping to go through some older film to maybe have a larger prints sale.

If you would like to support my Artist Residency in Motherhood,consider becoming a Patron. Through the generosity of my patrons each month, I am able to pay for this website, or purchase film to make more work.

See this content in the original post

If monthly subscriptions aren’t your style. You can buy prints polaroids and more on this site. Use the code SPRING15 for 15% off your order.

Follow The Process on Instagram. Behind the scenes stories and in process videos shared daily.

See this Instagram gallery in the original post